Friday, July 2, 2010

July 4th - What It Means To Me

July 4th
The Star Spangled Banner
Blessed Country
Land That I Love

Last year, at this same time, I was in Honolulu helping my youngest daughter, Nicole, who had recently given birth to her 2nd baby, our 3rd grandchild. Having a son-in-law who serves in the Navy, we ended up celebrating the 4th of July at Pearl Harbor, along with a great many military families.

The theme...Patriotism, as I have not seen since 9/11...Families decked out in Red, White & Blue...Little Girls with ribbons, headbands & bows/Little Boys wearing T-shirts that proudly displayed the American Flag or dressed representing our Nation's colors, military men and women in camouflage clothing, all participating in the fun of games and booths set up to entertain kids of all ages. A spacious field filled blankets and folding chairs, strollers, coolers and people chatting, laughing and enjoying the close-knit bond of friendship and family...ever connected as one very large Military Family.

I marveled at these young families who well understood what it means to be an American. Those brave men & women who join the fight for my very Liberties & Freedoms, families who sacrifice their loved ones when Duty calls, parents who teach their little ones to reverence The American Flag and our National Anthem.

The Fireworks, accompanied with patriotic songs, took place over the waters of Pearl Harbor. It was fantastic! I watched the delighted smile of my grandson, as he looked up to see the beautiful colors and to hear the loud Boom of the cannons. I reflected on the very different scene that must have taken place on December 7, 1941, over these same waters. Though I was missing the rest of my family and my sweetheart, at home, my heart was Full...of Gratitude, Pride, Emotion, Hope...Thanks in large part to those, whose very presence, I felt honored to share on that tropical evening.

Thank You to all who serve to protect this Nation, the place I call Home! God Bless you brave Men & Women, God Bless your families and may God continue to Bless America!

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